Professional Athletes
Elite athletic performance coaching
The most important aspect of a professional athlete’s career is knowing how to protect, nurture, and cultivate his or her body. In order to do this we look at far more than an athlete’s physical abilities. Cornerstones such as speed and explosiveness, core strength, flexibility, injury prevention are just the tip of the iceberg. We also dive into their intramural makeup; things like their sensitivity to internal feedback, quality of sleep, nutrition, self confidence, and stress management.
Body Composition Changes
Lose body fat, gain muscle, alter physique proportions
You are living in the only body you’ll ever have, so let’s capitalize on that gift and create a body you can be proud of. Often times it takes much more than desire and effort to make changes in your body; it takes strategy. When you go about the task of fitting your fitness regime into a busy lifestyle, it’s crucial to use your time wisely. We will fine tune your workouts to efficiently burn fat and build muscle, and discover the ideal nutritional makeup to support your unique goals.
Health and Wellness
Nutrition, holistic care, rehab
Everywhere you look you’ll see some literature or advertisement on how to improve your health, and often times the information is not only confusing but contradictory. Whether you are looking to improve your general well-being or you’ve been struggling with a particular health condition, we look across all of your physiological systems in a holistic approach to healing your body from the root of the problem.